Thursday, June 8, 2006

Play Monopoly Multiplayer

Il quarto volume del Codice Atlantico: tanto da leggere!

Here we are finally talking about the fourth volume of the Atlantic Codex . I apologize for the delay, but unfortunately yesterday I could not go on sale to purchase the volume, so 'also the review has been postponed to today.
To resume the "royalties" as used in describing the other volumes we can say that this fourth volume rightfully belongs to the family of those densely annotated, where the text clearly prevails in the drawings. A volume, therefore, curious and voracious readers. This feature gives you the opportunity to try their hand at reading the handwriting of Leonardo (as suggested a few days ago by Alberto).

The peculiarity of the writing of Leonardo da Vinci is to be written from right to left, called mirror writing or left-handed handwriting , and therefore can be deciphered only by means of a mirror.
An understanding of this writing the outset, take into account the culture of the time. In the handwriting of Leonardo is surely the expression of the search for aesthetically perfect gesture without, however, slavish repetition of a calligraphic style.

His writing has rhythm and movement and a remarkable sense of space and form. The alternation of dissimilar forms in a harmonic context indicates the continued creative production again in collaboration with the intelligence to realize the insights. The instintualità instinctuality and a strong blend and while the contradictions in the emotional content with the way the operational and dynamic personality.

It was once believed that the particularity of his handwriting was just the trick mirror of a brilliant man eager to make his confidential written and in particular the Codici.
Oggi, invece, recenti studi (in proposito vedere Corsera, 22/11/98) propendono per la tesi che Leonardo fosse affetto da un problema della lettura e scrittura noto come " dislessia " che si traduce in una difficoltà nel tradurre in suono (quindi nel pronunciare la parola corretta) un simbolo grafico (la parola scritta). I dislessici confondono le lettere, le omettono, le scrivono alla rovescia o le mettono nell'ordine sbagliato. Leonardo da Vinci presentava una delle caratteristiche della dislessia, quella cioè di considerare la parola scritta come "un insieme" , una "figura", che lui riproduceva in maniera "speculare" con una inversione dello spazio grafico ma con un gesto fisiologicamente naturale per un mancino

To return to our fourth volume is certainly an opportunity to experiment and Trocchia hand with these concepts and theories (which I think really fascinating). Specifically
specific volume offers a wide variety of notes: notes and architectural plans, maritime studies for rides; studies on the laws that govern the motion and the equilibrium of the balance; studies to divert and channel the water courses, study painting; calculations and geometrical studies and more.

This book is really a small encyclopedia: the topics touch on various themes and the whole is enriched by the ubiquitous and spoiegato notes. About the transcripts of the notes I wanted to add that they often give information not only about the content written, even about the state of conservation of the page, the material, of how the page was divided and used to allow us to really "touch" the original sheets.

Finally I want to offer one of the most fascinating among the illustrations in this volume.

This beautiful table lamp is located in the lower left corner of the sheet 217 r . Since the note that explains (on page 165) is particularly significant to carry you:
The glass tube containing the flame is in turn contained in a sphere filled with water that acts like a lens, is increasing, according to Leonardo, the splendor. Alongside another lamp without water.

As usual sengnalo a link for those who wish more information about the publication on the newsstands with Il Sole 24 Ore and Republic.


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