Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fructose Malabsorption Frequent Urination

Recipe: Focaccia Fabio

La focaccia la chiamo di Fabio perché lui è stato il suo più grande estimatore e a Mompeo la focaccia di Fabio è diventata un must! hihi...


500gr wheat flour '00 '
2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon sugar

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive

200ml warm water 1 packet active dry yeast 1
oiled pan

Preparing basic :
Mix the flour with the yeast, sugar and salt. Add oil and then the warm water.

Knead the dough for at least 15 minutes banging and put on a floured board. It 's a good idea to get punched and slapped ... Mazzola and the more one becomes more soft and rises better. After having worked in this manner must be 'set to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes (usually uso il forno accesso a 50°) coperta da un panno umido. Dopo che ha lievitato per 40' va impastata nuovamente e messa nel tegame oliato. Di nuovo a lievitare per 20' sempre con il panno umido sopra. Completata la seconda lievitatura la si condisce con olio e sale e si inforna (forno preriscaldato, ventilato a 200°) per 15'.
In alternativa la si può condire con aglio schiacciato, pomodori, rosmarino e così via...


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blind For Small Square Window

Last stop!

C'è la voce del signore in metropolitana che mi sta molto simpatica.
Tempo fa, nel passaggio dai vagoni stravecchi a quelli intermedi-vecchi (insomma quelli che c'erano prima di quelli bianchi che ci sono adesso), c'era la voce depressa depressing and a sad girl. Every morning in high school began with a nice molasses black slime: Rediromaprossimafermatasangiovanni, rediromanextstopsangiovanni . And everybody in the wagon sad sigh ...
Luckily they shot and put away his voice, much more friendly, this crafty old man (I imagine him with a mustache, waistcoat and a nice red chair in the ass): King of Rome! Next stop ... San Juan!
And when you arrive at the station is also the voice suspanse: King of Rome, out side ... LEFT! They all throw left. Hihi ... old joker! Since Boccea
work but I discovered the dark secret. A Battistini, At the terminus of the hill, everything changes.
As an old fireplace with a pipe and next, Mr. METRO turns into a horrible bureaucrat, brisk and computer.
Battistini, Stop! We pray the gentlemen passengers get off the train! The final
I do not like in books, films, reports and travel ... behold, now I do not like even more when traveling by subway!

Damn geezer ... certainly has yellowed mustache and smells of tobacco ... rotten teeth ... and bad breath!


ps: perhaps it was the depression that preceded it sounded like the last stop! Battistini, Stop the train. Abandon all hope ye who exits.