Esiste. E stavolta non ci nessun compagnuccio di scuola a dirmi: "guarda che Babbo Natale non esiste!" oppure "Non c'è nessuno topino che si prende i denti da latte!"... maledetti, hanno distrutto i miei sogni per anni sti bambocci cattivi!
Ma stavolta no! Il gatto con le ali esiste. Documentato, fotografato e per la gioia di tutti gli scettici e pseudo-scienziati, anche spiegato!
... La spiegazione toglie un po' il fascino del gatto con le ali, comunque non gli toglie le ali!
I gatti possono essere alati per tre motivi, non dico uno, non dico due, ma dico TRE!
Il primo è il più schifosetto... sono gatti a pelo lungo che hanno sviluppato due grossi dread lock... insomma washed the cat and cut off the dreadlocks that make him so bad for your health too, are filled with parasites and inflamed skin.
The second is a bit 'sad ... cats are suffering from an autoimmune disease called feline cutaneous asthenia, a skin disease that weakens the collagen fibers making the skin abnormally elastic. Licking his back do 'grow' wings. Too bad that these cats have a skin so thin and sensitive that it is easy tearing and infection.
The third is a blast! Arts Extra! It is not a talent of some role-playing game, but a 'simple' mutation. X-men are cats right! X-cats! for some strange mutation develop bones, muscles and everything else. The cat in the photo is a cat that falls in the third case, it can move its wings, but obviously can not fly. It seems very caring of his wings, and if the port very naturally. The lady who lives with her cat, says her cat has developed wings within a month ...
now begin to fix my two cats until they grow wings ...
Sofiaaaaaaa, Adeeeeeee put up by the wings!
ps: facciazza to yours! Cats with wings there! And if they exist then there are also goblins, elves, gnomes, vampires, and the witch! ... Santa Claus no, I is not so nice ...
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