Thursday, March 3, 2011

Moccasin Shoes Guy Blogshop

Yet another after-shave gel facial cleanser for Giulio

Well, this is called
aftershave aftershave for your Nth Giulio. Oh yes, because now my boyfriend is consumed in industrial quantities and only created by me ... and trouble to do so without rimanese!

Nth aftershave for Giulio

Water at 100
Hamamelis water 10
xanthan 0.2
glycolic extract of Calendula 2
Panthenol 2
Estratto glicerico di Malva 2
Sodio Lattato soluz. 60% 2
Fragranza idrosolubile al Bambù

Fase B (4%)
Cetiol Sensoft 0.6
Dicaprylyl Ether 0.6
Olio di Argan 0.6
Oleolito di Calendula (in olio di Riso) 0.8
Olio di Riso 0.6
Tocoferolo 0.8
Cold Emulsifier/Gélisucre 3
Dry Flo PC 2
Bisabololo 0.5
Azulene liposolubile 1
Aperoxid TLA 1 gc
Phenonip 0.5


Si tratta di un' emulsione a freddo . Qui a destra potete vedere le due fasi:

- la fase A composta dalle sostanze idrosolubili (che si sciolgono in acqua)
- la fase B composta dalle sostanze liposolubili (che si sciolgono in olio).

Vedete che bei colori? Chissà come verrà l'emulsione...? Il giallo della fase acquosa è dovuto agli estratti di piante mentre il giallo della fase grassa è dovuto all'Azulene. 
Eccola qui! Per fortuna non è tanto male.

Per emulsionare, si versa la fase B nella A e con questo emulsionante, è sufficiente mescolare per vedere formarsi il nostro fluido dopobarba di Giulio. 
Preferisco non frullare perché altrimenti si riempie di bolle e visto che l'emulsione regge benissimo così, non worth dirty the blender;)
Remember to measure the pH and then modify it accordingly to around 5.
This aftershave is very fluid , payable on the palm of your hand and rub vigorously on the face.
If you want it thicker, you can increase the xanthan gum emulsifier but not simply because it would make sense given that the her Gélisucre not thicken.
Please note that this aftershave is designed for very oily skin of my boy and that is why the percentage of fat is natural fiber and have used an emulsifier light creams that gives read . is not an aftershave so protective, but rather aims to heal (see extract of Malva and Calendula, Bisabolol, Panthenol, Sodium Azulene and a little milk) and not "fatten" the skin further (see So Dry Flo PC and a few fat).


Azulene : you buy from Vernon Pharmacy. It 's a component of the essential oil of chamomile has antifiammatorio effect, soothing and healing.
glycerine extract Malva : I have already spoken to say that this update in particular is on Aroma-Zone .
The rest has already been described and will serve in case there is a search box on the right to search the blog.
As always, use the preservative of your choice. And indeed, there Linko Lola an interesting post on how to make substitutions.

Also this time I think I said everything, now it's up to you to pamper your men home ... enjoy ... well, prima o poi.

A presto,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Remove Connection Facebook

FINALLY I made it ... and

I'm really proud today, even if the photos, taken with the little light of today does not make it.
from the truth, you see more shades of each color.

I'll tell you: that was very posavo eyes in those beautiful ribbons Americans Seam Binding, you know what is possible stroppicciare at will, and seem more beautiful.
Then when I happened on Etsy to see them hand-dyed, I was ecstatic.

said than done, send them to me are made by America to try them, even ordering the liquid dye.

These monster you were hand dyed by me initially was a simple white ribbon and smooth.
I've made skeins of 3 meters each, I put a label, a flower, a charm ... and you're
I dedicate the first three skeins, (those in the second picture) to my combination for now secret (even to me, I shall know his name at the end of year) for the swap the box of Want   a cui partecipo, e che durerà un anno intero. Questo è il mio regalo per lei per  il mese di febbraio.
  Le ho confezionate in una bustina trasparente, che vedete qui sotto, e con un cartoncino abbellito da un punches, l'ho chiusa.

Le matassine sono anche in vendita per chi è interessata...basta scrivermi,senza nessun impegno.
Per ora è tutto, vi abbraccio, buona cena e buona serata.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Hm080hi Cannot Reformat

"peach skin"

Un gel viso semplice, delicato e piacevole sul viso e non troppo liquido (in pratica, non scivola fra le dita quando si preleva). Lo trovo adatto alle pelli un po' delicatine come la mia: sensibile e che si secca facilmente dopo la detersione pur non utilizzando detergenti troppo aggressivi (Avete presente la sensazione di pelle che tira? Ecco, proprio quella).
Vi metto subito la ricetta anche perché non c'è molto altro da dire... 

Cleansing Gel "peach skin"

SAL 8%

Water at 100
Glycerin 5
Sale 0.5
aromatic extract 10 drops of Fishing

Phase B
Sodium Lauroyl sarcosine 5
Lauryl Glucoside 10
Coco Glucoside (and) Glyceryl Grease (Lamesoft PO) 1
Phenonip 0.5

Phase C
Cocamidopropyl Betaine 5
Food coloring liquid

To see the practical procedure here.
With the trick of adding betaine to the last, to make the cleaner more dense.

The texture just did.
Here are descriptions of tensioattiv the known to me:)
Small note: the famous Sodium Lauroyl sarcosine (trade names: Maprosyl or Sarcocid 30) is also sold on site Dadalindo at an attractive price.
Sale: I tried to add because you never know which contributes to thicken ... (Anything goes, say).
aromatic extract Fishing : bought on Aroma-Zone, the adoroooo ! Just a few drops and the detergent becomes profumosissimo "and is a delight for the senses wash your face with this smell of fish ... you can not understand! Not all extracts of AZ are so spectacular, but this truly deserves.

It 's very nice, and - how to say - "soft and silky and I think thanks to Lauryl Glucoside and it does not dry my face - something that often happens to me with other detergents . It goes well with this moisturizing gel for the face (after all bear the same name!).
E. .. mmm .... um ... which has a wonderful aroma as I said ...??? ;-) As you can see from the photo
however, the color is a "attimino" fluorescent wife is ill with the idea of \u200b\u200bfishing - soft and silky - but what can you do, I slipped with the coloring ... But gladly fly over, the smell makes me forget everything!

But with you as you put the cleaners? You make them at home or prefer to buy?

and let me know the next spignatto:)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rv Show At Anaheim Stadium


THE FACT: On Sunday, me and the "coniuggggge" We were a beautiful antiques market.

Among the other little things, I bought 4 beautiful doilies processed cotton, ancient and beautiful ....( sob) for work which I had promised to do. The woman from the bench, I had put them into a white plastic bag and in the evening, I gaze at them I was sitting on the couch, satisfied the acquisition (sob) I left on the couch then bribe the white plastic. The
Next morning, of that bag there was no trace, but not yet desperate, thinking about letting them "somewhere"
everywhere I look, the closet, the closet in the kitchen garden, under the table, under the bed in the room of my daughter, in that of my son.
None. No trace of the bag for the "treasure" :-((( vaporisation. GHOST
ask then to daughter and husband, known in the area and the rest of Italy, including the islands, for their distraction :
" casooo to have seen the bag of centriniiii? "

Husband: I Noooooo
Daughter: I nemmenooooo

Sob, sgrunt, arisob grrrrrrr § § § § CC?? II ** £ £ 2 "

I'm going to try again, confident that home had arrived. And that, at the time was the only certainty.
But the worm had been "nested"
had happened I felt that "something" against my will.
A couple of days yet, and I'm like, I do not do peace, until you see what I'm looking in your eyes. I place myself at a good pace to "search" ...

long as the "spouse", without even having tortured more than necessary

He had suddenly remembered that LI HE had thrown in the trash .:-(((
But "Poor" thought he had thrown a plastic bag and ONLY you had not noticed that there were well within 4 FOUR doilies. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Now, I ask you an honest opinion, write and think whatever you want, even .... your answers will be given to read the "guilty" ;-))


(do not be do-gooders, but express yourself in freedom)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Are You Lacking When You Bruise Easily


Here it is, just finished my last project PAINTING WITH FRIENDS Terrye French.

It's called " Easter Bunny" is in fact a tender rabbit that emerges from a basket.
But hidden behind colorful Easter eggs and the tender grass, there is also a sweet bunny. You see?

I find it delicious. Suitable for an Easter gift, perhaps with a chocolate egg close, tender even hung in a room of children, but also nice to be exhibited throughout the year.

Who will buy it, but just leave a comment, you can find the short sale HERE .

I embrace you all at this evening from a clear sky, but very, very cold ..... bbbrrrrr ..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Does Perio Protect Work

Sweet "EST"

I come to you " SWEETEST! o)
I miss you! ; o)
... today I want to introduce two and, say TWO logorrheic lovers of the house!
work? (See Photo !) O)

A clue "please" ... O)
Oh well ... a little help!
bloated Lovers of Victorian English style, and above all ... VINTAGE!

Who am I?
; Vabbbbbbbbè...ora lo svelo! ;o)

UNA "sweetest" è LEI !

...e l'altra?
 Vabbeè...dai... IO !
Lo ammetto.!!! lo sapete vvvvvvvero mie "sweetissime"BIRBE? ;o)
In your "sweetest" why are we doing this post??

MACCCCCCERTO because NI and I, our purchases ...
we turn to "Tarlette high heels" yet PIU ' tarlette most of us! O)


Go a bit to see what we offer the finest antique and brave the "EPO"! O)

There! O)
Some Salvia and some Cadreghina! o)

Customers who like rotten "Antiquarian Tarlati with High Heels" well as their worm-eaten! Ussignur ... ... no one has a powerful disinfectant to save at least the heels? O)

Go ... go to their as we do, maybe you will also share with your husband ... two or three boys of 20 years! O)

accepted PRENOTAZIONI per gli scambi! ;o)

Baci struggenti e confidenziali a tutte quante voi "sweetest"...ed "OKKKKKKKKKIO" "vingage" è un portatore sano di questa contagiosa malattia!


P.S. non dimenticate lo "strillone" di NI ! (ricchi premi e cotillons per VOI) ;o)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rebuilding Shoulder Cartilige


I'm back online, I brought home the PC after a brief outpatient ";-) the transplant went well, and now my pc is like a" teenager ", brand new and novice, but working perfectly.

(clik to enlarge)
We pass on to more serious, I show you a little job I did with the old sheet music bought by Dani (green-sage) and I could not wait to use.

But what is most beautiful and tender of a child with red hair, hand in hand with a sweet brunette with a thin frock? I find it on this adorable!

And I wanted to "stop" in a cardboard box in an oval, which I wanted to play inside and out with the scores, then, as in antique lace and lace and buttons.

The image was then padded in order to give softness to the touch.

A big kiss at the end of the evening, good weekend to all.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Buy Littlest Pet Shop Pets Wholesale

DEB RICHEY and score ...

I was quite a bit absent lately, I have had and still have problems to pc, which prevented me from posting and commenting on many of you (especially those who have the option to not allow anonymous) but I can read more ... tomorrow the pc will be hospitalized, but calm day will be a simple and Hospital in the afternoon will be at home again (I hope)

Meanwhile, here am I with the pc to my husband that I am there I see different colors as well, everything ... and I want to show my latest work in the country painting.

A cutting board where I've painted a beautiful project Ded Richey, a new project is not certain, but I always like gingerbread. I only changed the colors, the shroud is real in the project as well as the blue ribbon, since I have rose-colored.

****************************** ************************************************** ************

Then, I got that wonder of old sheet music, bought the new blog of brocante HERE It is worth a visit ;-)

What can I say? Beautiful are beautiful, good prices, and the box is very original and very tender, Denmark, in fact, in tribute to his nik, the parcel was wrapped with fresh sage and fragrant.

Here it is:

Pending soon be able to wipe every one of you, I leave you a mega hug evening.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Long After Waxing Can You Shower

The snow forgotten

OK… la neve in a Kabul è sicuramente un problema. Sta creando danni alle infrastrutture già malmesse, mette a rischio i migliaia di sfollati e homeless, ha fatto fuori tetti, distrugge le coltivazioni e prova gli animali... però le immagini dell’Afghanistan in bianco sono così belle che quasi mi dimentico della tragedia che si trova sotto.
Coperte le bare, i campi profughi, le munizioni a terra e i buchi di proiettile sembra quasi che l’intero paese si sia lasciato alle spalle gli ultimi dieci anni. Un po’ di bianco che è un’amnistia con tutto quello che è stato. Il fumo nero sparito, le macchie rosse coperte, i corpi mutilati resi statue dal freddo.
Poi la neve porta silence, a silence of death, but to wait. The silence about something that is buried sleeping in waiting, of something that does not exist yet but soon will. The cynical answer: there will come another war. Yes, maybe it's true. Under the snow only other anti-personnel mines. Yet the omission of snow can be a balm in a while. One way to think of a better time. When it's cold we huddled together, give a kiss means to tap the heat of others, the burka becomes a warm blanket and the West and feminism can calm down too.
Snow in Afghanistan. I'm a fool Roman sees snow once every ten years. It seems to me even poetry.


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