Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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FINALLY I made it ... and

I'm really proud today, even if the photos, taken with the little light of today does not make it.
from the truth, you see more shades of each color.

I'll tell you: that was very posavo eyes in those beautiful ribbons Americans Seam Binding, you know what is possible stroppicciare at will, and seem more beautiful.
Then when I happened on Etsy to see them hand-dyed, I was ecstatic.

said than done, send them to me are made by America to try them, even ordering the liquid dye.

These monster you were hand dyed by me initially was a simple white ribbon and smooth.
I've made skeins of 3 meters each, I put a label, a flower, a charm ... and you're
I dedicate the first three skeins, (those in the second picture) to my combination for now secret (even to me, I shall know his name at the end of year) for the swap the box of Want   a cui partecipo, e che durerà un anno intero. Questo è il mio regalo per lei per  il mese di febbraio.
  Le ho confezionate in una bustina trasparente, che vedete qui sotto, e con un cartoncino abbellito da un punches, l'ho chiusa.

Le matassine sono anche in vendita per chi è interessata...basta scrivermi,senza nessun impegno.
Per ora è tutto, vi abbraccio, buona cena e buona serata.



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