Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jack Black Actor Shaving Products

Recensioni fragranze Gracefruit

I recently bought some perfume from the site providing mainly raw materials for soaps in general but also cosmetics, fragrances and then the following are all suitable for our spignattamenti.

I state now that I'm not a genius in describing the fragrance and will not use technical terms and take into account that I'm a fan of smells fresh, citrus, ozone-flowered but also marine . On the other hand, I do not like spicy nor too sweet fragrances because I find "overwhelming" and I'm not crazy about the vanilla: strange but true!

If you can arrange a bulk order (shipping costs on this site are a blow), the fragrance of Gracefruit mi sembrano tutte di buona qualità per ora: non sembrano sintetiche e le descrizioni date dal sito sono molto veritiere.

Soapy Clean : devo dire che il nome rispecchia proprio la sensazione che trasmette: ricorda un pulito da sapone, è delicato e ricorda la fragranza del Dove. Infatti l'ho messo nel docciacrema e richiama proprio la sensazione di "delicato pulito".

Wedding Bells : è fiorito ovviamente, sento molto il Gelsomino con il quale ho un rapporto di odio/amore: adoro il profumo del Gelsomino dal vivo ma non trovo alcuna fragranza che lo riprenda in modo fedele, le trovo tutte molto "soffocanti"; ahimè, non ho l'assoluto di Gelsomino - che costicchia - e non so valutare.

Daffodil : preso per sbaglio, è un fiorito fresco.

Fragrant cream : fiorito, fresco e fruttato, non è affatto pungente. Lo vedo bene in una crema viso.

Amour : cioccolato, vaniglia e note di Gelsomino. Decisamente non fa per me, lo trovo pesante ma immagino che per gli amanti del dolce, sia il top ;-)

Rice Flower : fragranza fiorita, fresca ma leggera e delicata. Anche questoa la metterò in una crema viso.

Double cream: it is sweet and flowery at the same time. I must say that I like. It should be a copy of the fragrance Lush American Cream "(I know).

Water Lily : talc, light and delicate is just for me.

Spa Fresh : is terrible! I remember a medical or rather a cleaner floor. Bocciatissima!

Enchantement : floral and citrus. I like it.

Clean & Fresh : I find it suitable for a bubble bath and I faintly reminiscent of the Scotch Pine.

Milk : knows of boiled milk, good to "correct" with other fragrances.

Wild Flowers: pungent scents of other flowers that I chose, I feel a fruity note and then the party flourished.

Cucumber : fresh fresh and good good. Perhaps to be associated with another.

Davinia : inspired by the scent of Dove ... delicious.

Hull : inspired by the scent of Nivea cream: I would drink it!

Inglese Rose : very similar the true scent of Rose Water, but far from the scent of Rose's I'm looking for Robert.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Early Ringworm Of The Face

Maschera pre-shampoo

I prepared a mask for the hair before shampooing be used as pack and mix with milk powder (which should give substance to the hair with regular use and I did not ask for better, but I'll later hoping to get good results) or with the henna powder to make the packs to revive a bit 'color when I do not want me just henna.
In fact, it is especially a balm : ideal if you have thick hair that need to be unraveled to nourishment and well.
I could never :-)

Patty's Mask Pre-shampoo

Water to 100% Glycerin 5

Oil Broccoli 2.8
Oil Camellia Sinensis 0.7
grapeseed oil 5
Castor Oil 0.8
Sweet Almond Oil 0.7
esterquats (Dehyquart F45, conditioning) 8
Cetyl Alcohol 5

Phenonip 0.5 (preservative)
Panthenol 2
Fragrance Milk (of
aromatic extract of sweet (
aromatic vanilla extract (


Find all the instructions on how to prepare a balm

Ingredients & Substitutions

Oli: are 10% of the total, it seemed like a good percentage to be lighter on my fine hair (even if you wash everything, I do not want to risk).

I used broccoli and Camellia oil because I had two small samples taken on Aroma-Zone that was the case once and for all to use.
  • oil Broccoli : it hath a smell of cabbage (this does not automatically make him an essential oil). At Aroma-Zone, they say that shiny hair like silicones, and extricate them, that reduces the electricity of the hair .... mmm ... ci vogliamo credere? Forse ci credevo veramente quando l'ho acquistato...! 
  • L'olio di Camellia Sinensis : l'olio di the verde. Sempre su Aroma-Zone, lo definiscono l'olio di bellezza delle donne giapponesi... probabilmente mi sono lasciata imbambolare. 
Col senno di poi e per come la penso adesso, trovo un po' inutile l'andare alla ricerca di oli tanto particolari o esotici quando ci si può benissimo arrangiare con altri molto più facilmente reperibili (a parte gli "oli" sintetici a pallino verde che sono insostituibili ih ih) che probabilmente hanno le stesse caratteristiche.
In generale quindi, utilizzate gli oli che preferite o avete home.

Cetyl Alcohol : used 5%, produced a dense balm jar from which I find easier to spread on the head :-), which is nothing more than what the picture above.

Scent : This balm smells of butter cookies. Starting from the Milk of Gracefruit fragrance that smells of boiled milk, I added a nose of caramel and vanilla extracts. It is not really my thing, but I do not mind.


I used mixed with milk powder, as I said, and despite being the most dense and has created ... surprise! It was washed away everything without leaving the hair heavy. And after shampooing your hair was soft, soft.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Understanding My Vagia

Gelatine da doccia ripiene

After a lot 'of time, I tried to redo the style shower gels from Lush (you know what I like to copy their funny cosmetic) and I are also inspired by a recipe Lolini - here you find - which adds a heart creamy ... I had to try this too of course!
My recipe is a bit ' diversa da quella originale perché mi erano venute due ideuzze alternative che volevo mettere in pratica.

Gelatine da doccia "ripiene"

13 gr olio di cocco non frazionato
15 gr di burro di Karité
2 gr di olio di Vinaccioli
Aperoxid TLA q.b.
Fragranza Big Bobble
Colorante: miscela di miche e ossidi di ferro

100 gr di detergente per il corpo  
4 fogli di colla Seafood Bread Angels
Fragrance Big Bobble

First, I prepared the burrini.
ingredients for burrini.
In a small container, dissolve the dye that is 2 grams of powder in the oil so it will be easier then incorporate it later (I recommend always doing this kind of preparations)
Melt in a water bath and the shea not fractionated coconut oil (which is to say solid) And please, remove them from the heat once everything is dissolved.
+ Add the oil a few drops of dye and antioxidant (Aperoxid the TLA).
Then let cool 5 minutes and add the fragrance, I chose one called Big Bobble: is equal to the tires that I ate as a child.
Pour the rendered fat in the molds - mine are those of Ikea - and hunted in the freezer.
In this regard, I suggest you choose a fragrance "powerful" because it makes good ride in the freezer will do some good for the fragrance, which tends to vanish. Choose
also a fragrance in harmony with the cleansing of jellies or scented at all so as not to make mistakes.

It 's the time of jellies.
you can use to prepare a bubble bath / shower gel from those in your home or use a neutral base and fragrance and color to your liking or create a shower gel from scratch. The choice is yours .
Once you have prepared your detergent, put aside :-) and take the sheets of gelatin and, as instructed on the package, leave 10 minutes to soak in cold water.
After the necessary time and squeeze the leaves and add to the detergent and put it in heat, stirring until the gelatin is dissolved completely.
At this point, let it cool a bit '.

Ready to become a jelly!
In the meantime, pull out of the fridge burrini. At this point, pour the mixture into the molds of gelatin selected to create a base where you can soak up the burrino then cover it with another compound gelatinous :-)
Repeat for each jelly you want to create.

On the left, you can see my burrini straight from the freezer, the detergent just made this recipe following - with lots of bubbles attached - and the sheets of gelatine to soak.

I recommend not to touch the burrino while in the molds because it could tend to melt and lose its original shape (damn my ruddy hands!), The next time I'll try to make less soft burrini although initially , so I really wanted to create a heart for really creamy ... I had not taken into account, however, that with the warmth of the compound detergent + isinglass, tend to loosen up a bit '.
However, we try to do everything pretty quickly to put the jelly in freezer.

- Use butters in your house (the famous shea de Provence alone I found at the supermarket is ok) as well as the 'oil you prefer.
- Use the 'antioxidant you: Aperoxid TLA, Antiranz of, Rosemary Oleoresin or tocopherol.
- Colours: one may dissolve in oils, so do not go well for fresh food colors are water soluble.
- As I said, the cleaner of course spignattato not necessarily have to be from us.

After an hour our little frost filled jellies are ready!

Here are the creamy gelatin from the heart, I felt this morning in the shower ... As always, wash with a bit of gelatin is' comic is not bad but the creamy sauce inside. Only for those who want to have fun in the shower :-)

Having finished the burrini, I used to make the compound remaining gelatins simple. I must say that 4 sheets of gelatin per 100 grams of detergent are to obtain an optimal dose of jelly soft but solid so that you do not break up as soon as you pick up.
I admit that might be a little 'expensive, but keep in mind that with this amount I have received six and three round-shaped heart that you see in the picture.

And on gelatine I think I have said everything, if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to use the comments. See you soon!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sims 3update

Cerotti contro i punti neri fai da te

For years I use the Nivea patches against the points blacks and I could not try the recipe from Michelle Phan, famous YouTuber who dispenses beauty tips left and right.

I must say I had a very original idea and above all highly effective !

First, here is the video that explains the process: CLICK!

For version "Italian", we need the so-called isinglass because:

1 - we can not find the jelly is talking about Michelle
2 - a forum of discussion on Lola, can be seen from the various tests made by some Lolini that neither Tortagel with or with the Agar Agar is possible to obtain a result similar to that of the video.

For me, I followed the instructions with the following doses:

- 1 tablespoon milk
- half-sheet of glue Bread fish Angels are rather corte, so che ci sono dei fogli più lunghi e direi che ne basta 1/4.

In un contenitore resistente al forno a microonde, ho messo il cucchiaio di latte e il foglio di gelatina e li ho schiaffati in forno per pochi secondi alla temperatura massima. 
Ho fatto uscire il contenitore ed ho mescolato un poco il contenuto. 
Facendo attenzione che non fosse troppo caldo (controllate sulla mano) ho cominciato a spalmare la miscela gommosa su naso e mento fino a creare uno strato che mi sembrasse sufficiente poi a tirare via il tutto.
Per fare questo, la protagonista del video is very chic and use a brush, while I have that kitsch I used the finger :-)

At this point, we just have to wait for the mixture to dry and solidify the face: when you hear, in fact, that your nose and chin petrified (after about half an hour) you can start to pull and check that the gelatin has taken away your points ... blacks

For my part, I noticed that the pre-draw is much less annoying of the Nivea and Clear Up Strips are just as effective, if not more ! Take away points blacks, whites and the more you have, and so forth.
The nose is still a little 'flushed anyway, but the task seemed less "traumatic" for the patches with original time I seemed to pull the nose ...!! xD
is really worth to try this homemade recipe: Highly recommended.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why Do People Think Tom Cruise Is Gay?

Burrone fondente esfoliante

Between one thing and another two months since I update my blog ... think that has abandoned it and instead goes along with my desire to spignattare. I am a person rather moody and so alternating periods of idle periods of spignatto absolute laziness.

However, if there is something I've done! So while listening to my beloved Tiziano Ferro, I tell you of my latest creation that is really just a variation on the recipe for melting butters shower.

Know that I love this butter because especially in winter, chilly as they are, immediately after showering the whole idea to slather on a cream gives me the chills as this butter I spread them in the shower, where even with the water off, remains a slight warmth.

Forgive me in advance for the bad photos.

Burrone exfoliating dark

15% Polawax or wax No. 1 of
30% Cocoa Butter
30% shea butter
15% Stearic Acid
10% grapeseed oil
Fragrance: Orange Flower and Shea
dried lavender flowers
dried flowers of Calendula
dyes: mixture of mica and iron oxides


Dilute any dye in the oil. Melt the butter, wax, emulsifier and a water bath add the oil. Once everything has melted, let it cool a bit 'and add the fragrance.
Pour the mixture into the mold and then cooled to room temperature, then refrigerate until completely solidified .

Ingredients & substitutions:

- Polawax: not EcoBio, I do not know why I have purchased! However, it is suitable for carrying out the melting butters.
- How to exfoliate, use the ingredient with which you are better (I had the flowers in surplus).
- We need to tell you that you can use the butters and oils that you prefer? ;)

The result:
This is my pit:

Ho utilizzato uno stampo a forma di ciambella, mi piaceva l'idea di tagliare il mio burrone a fette per poi utilizzarlo (come nei negozi Lush, no?).
Mi sembrava un'idea originale, inoltre la fragranza che ho scelto a me ricorda troppo i dolci (il panettone nella fattispecie) anche se sembra essere solo una mia impressione.

Voi che ne dite della mia idea? Vi piace?

Questo is it all for my return to the blog, I just have to leave but I hope to return with a recipe for more "juicy" :-)

you soon!