I prepared a mask for the hair before shampooing be used as pack and mix with milk powder (which should give substance to the hair with regular use and I did not ask for better, but I'll later hoping to get good results) or with the henna powder to make the packs to revive a bit 'color when I do not want me just henna.
In fact, it is especially a balm : ideal if you have thick hair that need to be unraveled to nourishment and well.
I could never :-)
Patty's Mask Pre-shampoo
Water to 100% Glycerin 5
Oil Broccoli 2.8
Oil Camellia Sinensis 0.7
grapeseed oil 5
Castor Oil 0.8
Sweet Almond Oil 0.7
esterquats (Dehyquart F45, conditioning) 8
Cetyl Alcohol 5
Phenonip 0.5 (preservative)
Panthenol 2
Fragrance Milk (of Gracefruit.com)
aromatic extract of sweet (Aroma-Zone.com)
aromatic vanilla extract (Aroma-Zone.com)
Find all the instructions on how to prepare a balm here.
Ingredients & Substitutions
Oli: are 10% of the total, it seemed like a good percentage to be lighter on my fine hair (even if you wash everything, I do not want to risk).
I used broccoli and Camellia oil because I had two small samples taken on Aroma-Zone that was the case once and for all to use.
- oil Broccoli : it hath a smell of cabbage (this does not automatically make him an essential oil). At Aroma-Zone, they say that shiny hair like silicones, and extricate them, that reduces the electricity of the hair .... mmm ... ci vogliamo credere? Forse ci credevo veramente quando l'ho acquistato...!
- L'olio di Camellia Sinensis : l'olio di the verde. Sempre su Aroma-Zone, lo definiscono l'olio di bellezza delle donne giapponesi... probabilmente mi sono lasciata imbambolare.
Col senno di poi e per come la penso adesso, trovo un po' inutile l'andare alla ricerca di oli tanto particolari o esotici quando ci si può benissimo arrangiare con altri molto più facilmente reperibili (a parte gli "oli" sintetici a pallino verde che sono insostituibili ih ih) che probabilmente hanno le stesse caratteristiche.
In generale quindi, utilizzate gli oli che preferite o avete home.
Cetyl Alcohol : used 5%, produced a dense balm jar from which I find easier to spread on the head :-), which is nothing more than what the picture above.
Scent : This balm smells of butter cookies. Starting from the Milk of Gracefruit fragrance that smells of boiled milk, I added a nose of caramel and vanilla extracts. It is not really my thing, but I do not mind.
I used mixed with milk powder, as I said, and despite being the most dense and has created ... surprise! It was washed away everything without leaving the hair heavy. And after shampooing your hair was soft, soft.
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