Friday, January 28, 2011

Pregnant After Removing Polyp

Go back to the leaves!

Dopo quasi tre anni di interruzione torno alle foglie e ai fiori. In altre parole, torno vegetariano.
A dire il vero è dall'inzio di gennaio che ho eliminato del tutto carne e pesce (data simbolica di inizio il 1° gennaio), mi sono concesso qualche giorno di prova con me stesso per vedere come andava prima di fare coming out su questo tema. E dopo due settimane avevo l'impressione di non aver mai interrotto la mia consueta dieta tutta verde. Insomma la parentesi carnivora è stata subito cestinata dal mio corpo senza alcun rimorso.
Ovviamente con il vegetarianesimo sono uscite le first controversy. The best was: do not grow up to be a vegetarian! ... for those who I have never seen him live will tell you that I'm tall ... 1.90 say that I grew up between 17 and 27 for vegetarianism seems to me questionable!
A couple of people told me: why make a choice, when you can simply eat less.
's why.
Meat is a major source of pollution of the planet. All means of transportation in the world, cars, planes, buses, trains, pollute 60% less of all holdings of meat in the world. In a nutshell, a cow in a year pollutes more than a small car that runs into town for a year. And there are definitely more cows machines in the world!
On Earth more than 800 million people suffer from hunger. But no cow dies of hunger. Produce excessive amounts of grain to feed farm animals, then slaughtered and then eat them. Burn each year the famous `football 'of the Amazon rainforest to create grazing land for cows and then eat them.
Parliamodi health. Skipping speech `eating fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cancer is the subject` the meat is rich in unsaturated fats that are so bad '. Let's talk about what we put on our planet. The tons of garbage we produce and pollute the Earth. All these pretty crap are absorbed by plants, poor you all syrupy. Add to this, pesticides, GMOs and all the crap that not even know, and we get a fairly bleak for the plant. It seems contradictory to propose to eat only vegetables, saying that the vegetables are polluted? Exactly the opposite.
Let's do some 'of sums and multiplications. To simplify the system "world" we admit that there are only five factors under planet pollutant X, C cabbage, M cow, human and humane vegetarian carnivore Uv Uc.
we will assume that M and UV and UC make no pollutants from water, air, and so on (I hope the guys at Greenpeace I read it), but C has accumulated before being eaten 1X and before eating a cow having to grow for a year (sometimes yes, sometimes no, we do an average and go!)
So we can say that:
1C = 1X (a)

1M To live or 1uV need a day 1C (realistically speaking 1M needs many more C per day, but we do the calculation in favor of carnivores)
While UC needs to 0.05m per day (one-twentieth of a cow per day).
Now comes the math.
1uV 365C and 1M consume in a year.

1uV = 1M = 365C (b)

1Uc 0.05m consumes per day -> 1Uc = 0.05m * 365 = 18.25M replacing M with (b) we get that

1Uc C = 6661.25 (c)

Then a man in a carnivore eats years 6296.25 cabbage in more than a vegetarian man.

now consider the pollution factor.
If we replace the C in (c) with the `equivalence (a) we get that accumulates in a year 1Uc 6661.25 X (X is our value for pollutants)

If we make the same substitution in (b) we get that accrue in the year 365X 1uV

So a man takes in a year vegetarian 6296.25 shares of pollutants in less than a man carnivore.

the conclusions you do so on their own are easy.

These two equations are a game and are very simplistic, missing innumerable factors (deforestation to create pastures, transportation and disposal of carcasses, violence, viruses and bacteria that grow on factory farms, the various outbreaks we have seen and bla bla bla).
So. Given all this ... yes, my choice is clear and very exclusive. I do not want to eat meat nemmno by mistake, I do not see a piece of body passing under the eyes even in photos. Why not do much damage essere accetabile. E quando si superano certi limiti non si accettano eccezioni o mezze misure!
Quasi 30enne sì, senza ideali no.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Funny Maxine Cartoons

A great big THANK YOU to Marica, for the prize that I won, you can visit HERE (well worth it and for the beautiful blog and the candy just did) and for having inserted between 10 loves to visit the blog.
We've known each other a lot, and for this reason, its appreciation to my blog, I was doubly pleased.
After thanking him, I list the 7 things I love.

Here they are:

- A mo my family life and support of my own life.
- A mo art in all its forms, painting in a particular way, I think it started with me ... the music, and a good book to read, if that is not so handsome we remain ill ...
- A mo days bright, hot, love the sun that is reflected in my sea, I love to travel in a motorhome, where you see the sunrise and sunset from a window ...
- A mo friendships, real, sincere, friends who listen, talk, laugh, but also understand the moments do not.
- A mo who does not cry, those who speak softly, love and educate people who do not use profanity when you run out of arguments and right words. I love to laugh, I love who has a strong sense of humor and intelligence to take him right.
- A mo my hobby, my pry into your blog, I love discovering new things and different techniques, I love your neighborhood, many miles separate us but sometimes it seems so close ....
- A mo the streets, alleys, streets, villages, quiet, small tractors, farm real ones, the sea and sunset, mountains, children, animals, elderly people ... I love the world, a wonderful gift ... the biggest I've ever received.

Now, I appoint 10 more friends who love to visit, but I dedicate it to all of you who read and if you want, I'll be curious to read the things I love most.

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Another pleasant surprise, the gift that I received from Argante, a lovely little house for the birds in cloth. Here it is:

thanks :-) Arghi
************************** **************************************************
And finally, the award won by the sweet and generous Angie is now on the road and is located in one of these cute little packets, will be a shame to discard it.

a hug dear :-)

And finally, really, I noticed a lot of friends who have added to my "Followers" thanks a lot guys, I will from you soon.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Star Choice Motorolla Remote Programing


Here it is .... I just finished my latest work, a project that I loved per la sua dolcezza.
E poi..avevo proprio bisogno di questi suoi colori cosi chiari...non sono un invito alla primavera?

E poi...sarà che adoro le conigliette di Terrye, i loro abitini rosa.

E' un pattern della serie "Painting With Friends" di cui faccio parte, della brava Karen Gilbert.

Questa è la mia versione..

Hugs to all,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do Cobra Drag Pipes Have Baffles

A thought for the good humor

Enjoy some music that will put you in a good mood!
Good day to you all!

Ps: work in a Lotus flower!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hacking Verizon Phone For Free Texting

creams hands are the thing that spignatto more frequently in winter, mainly because - as I have also well 35679234 times - my boyfriend has his hands perpetually dry.
Then, as I always like to change the recipe, I took inspiration from hand cream 5% urea in Eucerin that my mother has used for a time, in fact the ' Urea is a bell'umettante and smooths the skin in a cream to use best use of which is exhausted in a few months though.
I did not, however, inspired the recess of the cream that has very little fat and instead I prefer creams hands corposette .
So, I put the usual 10% glycerin emollient and I thought a cascade of fat that leaves hands silky and this time not too many special activities (finally, you say).

urea hand cream

Water to 100%
Glycerine 10
Carbomer (Carbopol ULTREZ 21) 0.5

Phase B
(fat from lightest to heaviest - 13.5%)
Octildodecanolo 1
Cetiol Sensoft 1
Ethylhexyl Stearate 1
Jojoba Oil 0.5
Sweet Almond Oil 2
Peach Kernel Oil 1
Wheat Germ Oil 1
grapeseed oil 0.5
Caprylic / Capric Triglyceride 0.5
Tocopherol 2
unsaponifiables Avocado 1
Shea Butter 2
Olivem1000 5

Phase C
Urea 5
Panthenol 1
Solution Sodium hyaluronate 1% 2
OleOle Chamomile Lavender Calendula oil in a rice
Phenonip 0.5
CK One type fragrance

Click here to the general procedure for the realization of creams.
Click here and here for further information and advice. And here the fotospignatto!

Urea : I've already mentioned in the recipe of smoothing cream for the feet . Add that up to 10% humectant and smooths the surface layer of the skin, up from 10% begins to play deeper to exfoliate dry skin soooooo (in fact I use it on the feet). I remember cream to make a pH lower than 6 because otherwise releases ammonia.
Urea beads, however, is a cream melts very fast over, is highly soluble. Finally, positive note is cheap!
The Olivem 1000
CK Fragrance One type : Sensory Perfection of . Ck One is my perfume, but I'm not convinced there is something in this play, which is not bad imho differs from the original fragrance but just enough to make me use a hand cream:)
Olivem1000 : the emulsifier is chosen at random and not just because I am comfortable there and I have not missed a cream. So far, I had only used in face creams where I noticed that, thanks to 'Olivem, they are feeling silky and long lasting moisturizing ... So I thought might go well in a hand cream that often let this feeling of prolonged hydration and softness.
The TLA Aperoxid

also as always, I recommend :
- replace oil as Cetiol Sensoft or Ethylhexyl Stearate with Argan or jojoba vegetable oils that are among the lighter (which is not exactly the same thing but better than nothing, the choice is yours)
- use the preservative in your house instead of Phenonip;
- use the carbomer type you have.
What I did not explain now, you will find described in other recipes that unearthed using the Google search box on the right .

Urea and creamy sauce.
Because I'm a bit 'manic, when I'm with my boyfriend's hands monitoring and questions about whether or not to use my cream (and the blame if he forgets!). In this regard, I can tell you that I have the impression that this cream does his dirty work more than other creams I spignattatto for him, considering that, as a man little accustomed to cosmetic treatments, if the spalmerà hands at most 2 or 3 times a day - if we're lucky - and not need as I do.
Of course I use this creamy sauce but not having too delicate hands, my guinea pig he's a better than me. But I can tell you is that I find very nice spreads, it leaves your hands soft but not greasy long (let them soak time though).

And That's All Folks! In the next recipe!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good Entry Level Receiver

urea hand cream anti-aging Argan Oil Scrub Orange

Scrub rates a bit 'ugly but dedicated to citrus lovers like myself.

Orange Scrub

brown sugar 3 tablespoons
Powder Orange
2 tablespoons grapeseed oil 2 tablespoons
OE Orange 5 drops sweet

Mix together powdered sugar and orange juice, add oil and essential oil Sweet orange.

powdered sugar and orange.
I chose the sugar cane because the grains from the package seem more "rounded" and then there is the risk of scratches, then seemed less aggressive on the skin.
Regarding the orange powder, I bought one of Hesh along with other Indian dust. However, you may prepare it at home starting from the dried peel of oranges (hence bio). I leave the first link with the explanation that I found by searching on Google: click!
I tried the 'oe blood orange - oranges in red pulp - Aroma-Zone and I must say that delicate and very sweet, different from orange "traditional" I love it!

In the shower, it melts at a lower rate on white sugar and therefore is an advantage. Also, delivers a pleasant citrus smell ... slurp! ;)

Who To Make Myself Matured


L 'has received, so I can show it.

It 's a panel that I made for my dear friend always Sonia .
I thought of her, she loves so much from the primitive and its colors muted tones, warm ... so good to her embroidery in the "real" the I stitched stitchery in these hens, brown wire.

Then stoffine matched, who loves black badges, buttons, string, sticks in my garden ;-) and a black stampellina to hang in the kitchen

I'm glad that is enjoyed.

Bacitanti and Good Friday,

Saturday, January 15, 2011

South Park Online Iphone

I thought .....

..... that my colors were Decoart "rather Carucci" I have to think again ... poor them.

My daughter, after attending the Art, this year is in its first year of the Academy of Fine Arts
the "quantum leap" I had already used, buying all kinds of watercolor pencils, pencils in exorbitant costs, oil .... but a couple of days ago, we reached the climax and I still have to take at times as "senseless."
I do it quick, my Veronica, had to buy some acrylic paints and a canvas of one meter x 60 cm.
The professor had mentioned a specific brand, then go into a major center of Fine Arts, where in addition to a wide range also have much lower prices than other stores.
Well ... you know how much it cost the tiny (35 grams) tubes of paint brand mentioned by Prof? The price varied depending on color, but the price was € 70 to the tube, down to 58, 42 ... Allucinante.E did not have to buy a single color ... unfortunately.
Do you realize? But how does one color to cost so much? Why are teachers, these brands show exorbitant costs?
I senza parole su questa speculazione.
Ma lo sanno questi cari Professori, che dietro a questi ragazzi, ci sono genitori che lavorano e campano di stipendio, facendo sacrifici per mantenere i loro figli,  o pensano forse che ci siano genitori miliardari pronti a soddisfare ogni loro richiesta?

Mi consolo  con questa canzone che adoro….amo tutto di questa canzone, la musica, il testo, il video…

And finally ... .. I signed up to a beautiful and romantic Swap organized by Paola and Manuela :

" the box of memories " .. I was very intrigued. Go take a look too.
Greetings to all,

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mount And Blade How To Get More Troops

and jojoba (and others) still

fast recipe for a facial oil for mature skin with ingredients that are not too complicated. "

Jojoba and Argan Oil Anti-aging (and beyond)

Argan Oil 25%
Jojoba Oil 25%
Hemp Oil
OleOle 5% 5%
Carrot Rice Oil 10% Oil Pomegranate
Squalene 10% 15% 5%
Aperoxid TLA

course, simply weigh the oils and mix them together all'Aperoxid TLA.

Ugly but good!
Argan : nourishing and very suitable for dry skin, suitable for combating wrinkles with antioxidants and essential fatty acids it contains.
Jojoba We know now that it is actually a wax, is in fact suitable for all skin types but since it has great affinity with the sebum, I thought it was suitable for those who have dry skin (and you know that with Over time, your skin tends to dehydrate.)
Hemp oil: rich, suitable for dry, dehydrated and aged.
OleOle Carrot: Contains beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A has antioxidant and restructuring.
Rice Oil: rich in vit. And antioxidant and Gamma Oryzanol.
Pomegranate Oil: rich in compounds such as hydrogen Punic (anti-inflammatory) and ellagic acid (antioxidant).
Squalene : rinnovapelle and sebum-like.
Aperoxid TLA: an antioxidant for oils but has lots of good ingredients useful for the skin (tocopherol, lecithin and ascorbyl palmitate - vit. C) so I have plenty con la dose visto che poche gocce sarebbero bastate. Ha dato all'olio un colore poco attraente però, sul marrone ma non m'importa molto.
Se non l'avete, sostituitelo con il Tocoferolo o Vit. E.

Potete profumarlo con gli OE che preferite fra i più adatti per pelli mature (usate sempre gli oe con la massima cautela e non improvvisate le dosi).

Uso e impressioni
Quest'olio si può usare puro sulla pelle umida o si può addizionare qualche goccia alla nostra crema viso   abituale - use - to make it more nutritious and specify if they feel the need.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gay Cruising Area Amman...

BEARING cherry pits

I'm really pleased with my latest work, done in the afternoon.
I had some cherry stones, purchased some time ago. Might be time to make the bearings-scaldotti, useful and beautiful object, and now, finally, came the day I picked up, stoffine cotton French Mas D'Ousvan, antique lace and stones.

I made an opening behind, and the bearing containing the stones is in part, to ensure that the Federation is not dirty or you can wash easily. They measure about 18 x 18 cm.

  Sicuramente conoscete già, i benefici dei noccioli di ciliegia,che  dopo averli riscaldati in forno ( NO microonde) per qualche minuto, hanno molte proprietà: scaldano, disinfiammano, rilassano, calmano i dolori di ogni genere, e sono ottimi per le contusioni.

Chi ne fosse interessato, è pregato di contattarmi al mio indirizzo mail a fianco.
Un saluto caro a tutte,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Can I Use A Dongle On My Ps3

floral hair band

I created on the fly this hair band for my mom.
I put everything in the box-garden, with biscuits, jam, a diary of thoughts, key holder and scented sachets, all rigorously made by me and packed everything for Santa Claus. With
felt I chose two colors that she uses so much, I cut out the silhouettes of two flowers, white and gray that you see in the picture and I applied one another, con un piccolo cerchio e una perla al centro.
Ho preso un elastico (di quelli con la parte metallica rettangolare) e ci ho incollato sopra il fiore, applicando poi un dischetto per sigillare e fermare il tutto.
10 minuti e ho aggiunto un altro regalo alla lista.
Che brava!
Buon divertimento!

Ninja Turtles Footed Pajamas


Ne ho cercati molti in commercio ma erano tutti molto costosi.
Così ho pensato di rimediare da sola e devo dire che ha avuto molto successo il 25!
Si può fare natalizio, ma cambiando fiori e colori si possono creare mille varianti.

Ho usato:
5-6 stecche grandi di cannella (molto profumate, comprate per 10 cent l'una al negozio di hobbystica)
fogli in feltro rossi e verdi scuro (più spessi per le foglie)
pigne raccolte nel bosco ( si trovano anche in vendita)
Nastro verde
colla a caldo

Disegnate sul feltro rosso la tipica sagoma della stella di Natale, createne 2 più grandi e 2 più piccole.
Inserite le più piccole in quelle grandi e incollatele tra loro.
Applicate poi la pigna al centro sempre con la pistola a caldo.
ritagliate le foglie belle grandi da applicare sotto le stelle di Natale.
Stringete con il nastro le stecche of cinnamon and then applied to the leaves and flowers above, thus creating the final shape of the center table.

Easy! And I would say
Enjoy then! And it smells good!

Counterfeit Titleist Irons

THIS IS THAT TIME they took me away! But
have been a great satisfaction and the pictures do not do justice.
I bought simple cardboard boxes and I've covered in various ways and with different techniques with hot glue, always thinking of my gift recipients.

to the box with the neo-pink-white flowers is simple: you have to cut
hundreds of flowers and flower centers and paste them in a way that they are a little overlap. You can also use beads, buttons, ribbons and all that comes to mind. Create a
largest flower in the center, and this will be the first to apply on the box.
to the bottom of the box, not the cover, I bought pink ribbons, white and pearl gray, and I glued them vertically on the carving board, as well as all the other boxes.

For the box-garden
I love it. And it took me less absurd than to do another. I cut
several strips of green and cut with various techniques. I added felt balls, beads and flowers to create a small ecosystem, including a pond.
Below I have always used ribbons, green and pale yellow.
a show. E 'was much appreciated.

For the interlaced box:
I used the same technique used for the diary of a couple of previous posts.
Create a grid of stripes of different colors, taking the measures and apply it on the cover.
I wanted to cover the edge of buttons, but at the last, on the afternoon of December 24, I had to fall back on these sbruffetti blue, still cute. For
il sotto ho usato sempre nastri, foderando anche il fondo di blu.
Molto carina.

Sul rivestimento la fantasia può veramente creare di tutto.
Il prossimo progetto è per un piccolo villaggio tridimensionale, col parco, il campanile ed il gatto sul tetto.
Vi faccio sapere!!!!
Un saluto a tutti!