Saturday, January 15, 2011

South Park Online Iphone

I thought .....

..... that my colors were Decoart "rather Carucci" I have to think again ... poor them.

My daughter, after attending the Art, this year is in its first year of the Academy of Fine Arts
the "quantum leap" I had already used, buying all kinds of watercolor pencils, pencils in exorbitant costs, oil .... but a couple of days ago, we reached the climax and I still have to take at times as "senseless."
I do it quick, my Veronica, had to buy some acrylic paints and a canvas of one meter x 60 cm.
The professor had mentioned a specific brand, then go into a major center of Fine Arts, where in addition to a wide range also have much lower prices than other stores.
Well ... you know how much it cost the tiny (35 grams) tubes of paint brand mentioned by Prof? The price varied depending on color, but the price was € 70 to the tube, down to 58, 42 ... Allucinante.E did not have to buy a single color ... unfortunately.
Do you realize? But how does one color to cost so much? Why are teachers, these brands show exorbitant costs?
I senza parole su questa speculazione.
Ma lo sanno questi cari Professori, che dietro a questi ragazzi, ci sono genitori che lavorano e campano di stipendio, facendo sacrifici per mantenere i loro figli,  o pensano forse che ci siano genitori miliardari pronti a soddisfare ogni loro richiesta?

Mi consolo  con questa canzone che adoro….amo tutto di questa canzone, la musica, il testo, il video…

And finally ... .. I signed up to a beautiful and romantic Swap organized by Paola and Manuela :

" the box of memories " .. I was very intrigued. Go take a look too.
Greetings to all,


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