Dopo quasi tre anni di interruzione torno alle foglie e ai fiori. In altre parole, torno vegetariano.
A dire il vero è dall'inzio di gennaio che ho eliminato del tutto carne e pesce (data simbolica di inizio il 1° gennaio), mi sono concesso qualche giorno di prova con me stesso per vedere come andava prima di fare coming out su questo tema. E dopo due settimane avevo l'impressione di non aver mai interrotto la mia consueta dieta tutta verde. Insomma la parentesi carnivora è stata subito cestinata dal mio corpo senza alcun rimorso.
Ovviamente con il vegetarianesimo sono uscite le first controversy. The best was: do not grow up to be a vegetarian! ... for those who I have never seen him live will tell you that I'm tall ... 1.90 say that I grew up between 17 and 27 for vegetarianism seems to me questionable!
A couple of people told me: why make a choice, when you can simply eat less.
's why.
Meat is a major source of pollution of the planet. All means of transportation in the world, cars, planes, buses, trains, pollute 60% less of all holdings of meat in the world. In a nutshell, a cow in a year pollutes more than a small car that runs into town for a year. And there are definitely more cows machines in the world!
On Earth more than 800 million people suffer from hunger. But no cow dies of hunger. Produce excessive amounts of grain to feed farm animals, then slaughtered and then eat them. Burn each year the famous `football 'of the Amazon rainforest to create grazing land for cows and then eat them.
Parliamodi health. Skipping speech `eating fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cancer is the subject` the meat is rich in unsaturated fats that are so bad '. Let's talk about what we put on our planet. The tons of garbage we produce and pollute the Earth. All these pretty crap are absorbed by plants, poor you all syrupy. Add to this, pesticides, GMOs and all the crap that not even know, and we get a fairly bleak for the plant. It seems contradictory to propose to eat only vegetables, saying that the vegetables are polluted? Exactly the opposite.
Let's do some 'of sums and multiplications. To simplify the system "world" we admit that there are only five factors under planet pollutant X, C cabbage, M cow, human and humane vegetarian carnivore Uv Uc.
we will assume that M and UV and UC make no pollutants from water, air, and so on (I hope the guys at Greenpeace I read it), but C has accumulated before being eaten 1X and before eating a cow having to grow for a year (sometimes yes, sometimes no, we do an average and go!)
So we can say that:
1C = 1X (a)
1M To live or 1uV need a day 1C (realistically speaking 1M needs many more C per day, but we do the calculation in favor of carnivores)
While UC needs to 0.05m per day (one-twentieth of a cow per day).
Now comes the math.
1uV 365C and 1M consume in a year.
1uV = 1M = 365C (b)
1Uc 0.05m consumes per day -> 1Uc = 0.05m * 365 = 18.25M replacing M with (b) we get that
1Uc C = 6661.25 (c)
Then a man in a carnivore eats years 6296.25 cabbage in more than a vegetarian man.
now consider the pollution factor.
If we replace the C in (c) with the `equivalence (a) we get that accumulates in a year 1Uc 6661.25 X (X is our value for pollutants)
If we make the same substitution in (b) we get that accrue in the year 365X 1uV
So a man takes in a year vegetarian 6296.25 shares of pollutants in less than a man carnivore.
the conclusions you do so on their own are easy.
These two equations are a game and are very simplistic, missing innumerable factors (deforestation to create pastures, transportation and disposal of carcasses, violence, viruses and bacteria that grow on factory farms, the various outbreaks we have seen and bla bla bla).
So. Given all this ... yes, my choice is clear and very exclusive. I do not want to eat meat nemmno by mistake, I do not see a piece of body passing under the eyes even in photos. Why not do much damage essere accetabile. E quando si superano certi limiti non si accettano eccezioni o mezze misure!
Quasi 30enne sì, senza ideali no.
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