Martina, I just now confirmed that it had received the two paintings that I had ordered (pictured above) after seeing them here in the blog. I'm glad that liked them very much, when something of mine, it happens in hands that know how to appreciate, sono doppiamente felice. Di questi due ero innamorata io stessa...Grazie Martina.
Questi invece, sono una parte delle palline profumate alla lavanda, che ho fatto per la ditta di maglieria della volta scorsa. Siccome andranno su capi invernali, le ho realizzate in una sofficissima angoretta grigia.
Pacco spedito ieri, ora finalmente,mi potrĂ² dedicare di nuovo al mio country painting....cose belle mi attendono, ma ve le mostrerĂ² in seguito ;-)
E poi...qualcosa che mi lasciato without words, so is the beauty of the object. An "Antique Toys " just ... You know those kids for many many years ago, when the purpose becomes a horse?
pity that the photo does not make it, the beauty and the smell of good that this horse, made from Ni , came suddenly, without expecting anything ...
It 's wonderful, I was moved to see him, it is so perfect in every detail.
Made of mohair fur with technique "Harlequin."
This was accompanied by beautiful and sweet smelling tickets that can be seen in the picture, always made to her.
Cara Ni, we have heard over the phone and you know how much but what I liked, but I wanted to thank you from here, and show off your talent (for those who still do not know it) to any friends.
a hug to you all, Good evening friends,
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