Monday, November 1, 2010

Custom Off Road Buggy Blueprints

The sex of the koala and aroma of the civet's anus

As usual, the key to the most popular blog search is "the sex of snails." Ever since this
after all they are looking for what's got the long snail, as it leads to the lumachessa bra ... Let's talk even

But before you do me a question that maybe you can answer the end of the post.
E 'worst Koala born female or do the Kopi Luwak coffee bin?

The sex of the Koala
If snails are hermaphroditic and engaged in orgies cocks cum bath group, the Koala did not sparkle for some modesty and chastity.
The friendly black-nosed teddy bear has a bizarre mating ritual. Most male animals juggles struggles in the last frame, serenades that last week, phosphorescence and abdominal feathers heavenly hours in the gym and high-calorie diet ... in short, every male of the species is dedicated to making attractive or cool in the eyes of the female. Even the AIS engages in a mating ritual ... slow if you like ... maybe because the female can only be bored to the point by saying "Give me ste du barrel so you just go hang out somewhere else !"... however, has its own ritual. The Koala
not. This cute marsupial has a technique that can be said at least original.
Forte concealment provided eucalyptus on which roams the Koala stealthy approaches to the female ignorant, careful not to get even a grunt of pleasure estimate, arrived at the back of the victim (victim because of it), takes aim ... and the power sprays of urine completely.
Stunned by the sudden shower of piss
the female does not have time to turn around and wondering who the hell is this the infamous grab the funny guy from behind, biting the head penetrates without prior and after hectic pace for less than 5 / 2 gallons of sperm in the ejaculate. Exact liters. Not what the sexologist of Marchesini calls "a spoon" ... liter of semen shot inside after less than 5 seconds of copulation at Mach 3.
Met the male disappears into the bush.
In less than 30 seconds this poor woman was found soiled by urine, vice head, PETN without grace and filled with sewage to the point of having a stomach ache for the next two days.
It's no wonder that 90% of females Koala have regular sex with other females and more than 70% live in a stable relationship with another female. Also I would be lesbian if that is the situation with the men of my kind!

The strange usefulness of the intestine of civet
The common palm civet is a little thing with two black eyes blacks who turn a red (it's a bit 'Pet Sematary of King ma vabbé) e una meravigliosa codina prensile (adoro le codine prensili).
Questo zibetto è un robettino notturno che vive sugli alberi nel sud-est asiatico, dedito al consumo di fruttini, insetti, nettare di fiori e topini. Passa il tempo strusciando le sue ghiandole anali in giro per la foresta e annusando le strusciate di sedere degli altri animali.
Se vi si presenta uno zibetto comune delle palme a cena state ben attenti a fargli dare una bella annusata alle vostre chiappe altrimenti non sarà in grado di capire nemmeno se siete maschi o femmine!
E non vi stupite se trovate al seguito del vostro zibetto un tipo armato di bustina pronto a chiudersi in bagno con il vostro ospite.
Già, sul podio dei lavori più brutti del mondo c'è il "raccoglitore di cacche di zibetto".
Perché una persona sana di mente dovrebbe perlustrare le foreste di Sumatra alla ricerca degli escrementi di questa specie di ermellino arboricolo?
E soprattutto, perché qualcuno dovrebbe pagare profumatamente questo poco profumoso prodotto dell'intestino?
La risposta è Kopi Luwak.
Kopi Luwak è il caffè più costoso del mondo, al livello da pagare 5€ (se il ristoratore è onesto) per una tazzina di espresso.
Cosa c'entra il caffè più aromatico e buono del mondo con il raccoglitore di cacche cambogiano?
Tutto. Raccogliendo the civet droppings makes himself the collection of coffee beans. Skillfully roasted coffee beans and flavored by the civet.
little more about you said that the civet eats " berries, insects, nectar of flowers and mice " among the berries include the fruits of the coffee plant. The civet eats them whole, with all the seed ... seed that does not allow itself to be good seed digest. The gut of the civet and its aromatic anal glands but modify it by consuming its superficial cuticle bitter and aromatic, making it as just the shit ... Kopi Luwak as only it could be.
Obviously as you can chase civets for forests and how much hunting ... roasted seeds can be raise, certainly can not get large quantities of this coffee, hence the high price and superlative aroma. 500kg anus .... I meant years of Kopi Luwak. If you let me taste a whistle because I never had the pleasure.

E 'worst Koala born female, or do the Kopi Luwak coffee bin in China?

may prefer to do the koala and organize a lesbian feminist separatist uprising.

Koaless power!



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