And so, while Pompeii is washed away by water after it has been covered ash, the museum via the release of rate closes for lack of funds and managers make the Uffizi mold in damp basements, € 70 000 experts and rebuilders are invested in the reconstruction of the penis of Mars.
In our (sigh!) chairman of the board did not like the marble group of Mars and Aphrodite without arms and State. Never let it be that the Italian manhood is so spoiled, we also export to the nephew of Mubarak!
The austerity wants a cut of nearly 50% on the Conservation of Cultural Property (as we all well preserved and a few that need to invest money ... among other things tourists do not come Italian art in the nation because ... come to us for our gifts amateur), but on the reconstruction of the penis we can invest.
It is certain that Mars was the most virile and Scopaiolo of the gods of the Roman pantheon (second only to Zeus) and that there was more loved by God SPQR in so many historical moments of our Imperial Rome and conquering . Venus continually betrayed his ugly Sicilian blacksmith to have it with the beautiful Roman warrior, too bad that they were often caught and every time down barrel.
What can I say? We have forged a piece of art, throwing 70 000 € and further tarnished the image of our country careful to respect and care for our heritage.
So why not call the eyes of the bronze Statues, a bit 'of color to the Pantheon and a nice repaint the Last Supper (Leonardo nice, but just had to use egg white?) That is peeling all over and then we look bad if we bring the tissue to turn.
The rest of the artistic heritage is not well known ... we do not need that much. Save the Doomsday of Mars and go!
... But a moment? We spent € 70 thousand, months of work, used one of the best experts in the restoration ... and we pulled out a little thing so skinny? And the Italian manhood where does it go?! Mha! Perhaps it was built to mirror that of our (sigh!) Chairman of the Council, more manly (and thank goodness that is not homosexual) does not and can not exist nor nothing better than that.
Perhaps it's to ask the nephew of Mubarak, if available, or be satisfied with our (sigh!) minister of equal opportunities, she will undoubtedly if a reconstruction was made equal!
I'd committed to do bigger, more impressive, perhaps even built (which can always be useful to someone in a boring afternoon at Palazzo Chigi).
If we do these huge fucking let me, at least let's do it right!
However, we can strike a blow in favor of our restorers who at least tried not to crear irreparable damage and we will happily throw in a few years to process the Martian dildo and permanently close this latest episode of smart investment in our little (so they say) resources for cultural heritage.
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