Ricetta facile per un balsamo esfoliante per il corpo e se volete, anche per il viso.
Come agente scrubbante, ho scelto la polvere di nocciolo di oliva acquistata su Aroma Zone di cui vi avevo già parlato bene qui . In realtà l'ho "riesumata" in fondo allo scatolone degli ingredienti, mi ero dimenticata di quanto mi piacesse!
Passo subito alla ricettina e premetto che tutti gli ingredienti sono reperibili su Aroma Zone (che è il più conosciuto) ma anche su qualsiasi altro sito.
exfoliating face and body balm
Shea Butter 47%
Coconut unfractionated
30% grapeseed oil 19% stearic acid
% Fragrance 2%
powder a teaspoon of hazelnut oil
I warmed in a water bath butter shea, coconut oil, and grapeseed oil with stearic acid until it was all completely melted (not a minute longer because of Shea that if heated too much otherwise the form of granules after cooling).
At this point, I added the fragrance and I poured everything into the container end so as to lose the least of the product.
I started to stir until everything started to thicken (to speed up the process I hunted around in the fridge for about ten minutes) and added the powdered oil. I continued to stir until completely cooled to prevent dust from settling on the bottom.
Ingredients & substitutions
Shea : you have it all true? I would say that is fine also Kokuma if you like to change for once.
Coconut : use what is left that is not divided solid above about 20 ° so as to have the right consistency.
grapeseed oil : Choose your favorite oil.
stearic acid: it is not strictly necessary but it gives a velvety texture and creamy balm.
Fragrance : get the angle of not recommend: the fragrance of white chocolate (Galak) of the Pharmacy Vernon.
I never used because the bottle I had never happen to believe and sometimes using the fragrance makes it different .... I was deluded. It smells coffee with grappa stretched, my brother who was walking in the kitchen had to complain about the smell (it's usually someone who makes his cabbage) and also has a brown color that the preparation of brown. Rejected in other words.
Use & impressions
Pass the butter on the body in the shower, rinsing with hot water if your skin is oily and I have no problem.
's face is soft and as far as I'm concerned, is a gentle scrub, but then it is inevitable that we should then wash your face with a cleanser (even though you've done it before dell'esfoliazione) because it rises with water only. Then the skin remains soft and velvety.
As you can see from the picture, is entirely due to the tan-colored fragrance since it was initially creamy white. In this case you can fly (even if it is to be the best) but it is nice to be a more cream color because of the fragrance.
It 's a recipe adapted and modified in many ways, I hope that gave you some ideas for your creations:)
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