Friday, December 17, 2010

Change Battery On The Chronotherm Iv Plus Manual


spignattatto This week I have some cream and I got to photograph a bit ', the following photos refer to two "spignattate" different then if something does not square between a photograph and the other, for that matter: )

We start from Step A.
What 'is what? E 'moisturize leaving the carbomer in water to which I added the glycerin.
In the previous post, Helpul Tips found some tips to gel the carbomer is that with xanthan.
Before you throw me on the B stage, prepare assets powder dissolved in water or oil depending on whether water soluble or fat soluble so that when you add in phase C, everything will be easy.
In this photo you can see from top right: Gamma Oryzanol dissolved in a little 'oil, ferulic acid dissolved in water, then a few grams Bioflavonoids also dissolved in water and finally dissolved in Q10 Cetiol Sensoft (Propylheptyl Caprylate).
I leave them to be partially covered with a paper towel and start to weigh the Phase B fat.
For determining as precisely as possible, help me with a spoon for the oils to the emulsifier. Once all weighed accurately, they are ready to be heated and emulsified .
Council to heat the fat in a water bath instead of the microwave, so you do not risk too much heat, ruining the one hand oils on the other butters that once cooled to puddle (like dots) in the cream. with the water bath see live what is happening and you are less likely. With regard to the aqueous phase instead, I go - no problems - provided that no microwaves reach temperatures to boil water, but with time you learn to adjust.
And here are two phases to be emulsified ready ...
... to the phase B in phase A: never the other way that you could not see form the emulsion (or dismantled in a short time).
Forgive clothing home ...!
And now I begin to whip until the mixture whiten after a short time ... the emulsion is made !
Frullo, flutter, flutter
I would say we are!
Here it is starting to thicken, not really pretty? Soft white ... seems whipped cream!
At this stage you can follow the advice that I had left here and decide to continue to whip to get a nice thick cream. Otherwise, let the cream cool stirring with a spoon bottom to top.
Once the cream is cold (okay even warm, which is below 40 ° C), beginning  ad aggiungere gli attivi, il conservante, la fragranza e correggere il ph. 
Aggiunta del Q10.
Potete ben immaginare di che colore verrà la crema...
Controlliamo il ph con le cartine tornasole,
meglio quelle in strisce che sono più precise.
Mescolo per bene tra un'aggiunta e l'altra e vi ripeto il consiglio di dare una frullata finale con il frullatore ad immersione, un po' per sicurezza and a little 'to thicken further if you wish.
then my creation is soft, dark skin and full of many wonderful assets good for the skin:
and painted pink to cover the yellow vomit given by Q10 - I have not photographed but not you lose nothing - and I would say that the result is not bad.
A hug and the next post dedicated to Christmas gifts:)


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