Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Store Bought Coleslaw Dressing

Il terzo volume del Codice Atlantico.

Given that "there is no two without three" here we are today talking about the third volume of Atlantic Codex, now on newsstands with the Sole 24 Ore and the Republic.
For those who were not already aware, this is the third volume of the specimen of the Atlantic Codex of Leonardo da Vinci published by Giunti. The work consists of 20 volumes of large format (at a price of € 14.90 each), beautifully bound, printed on ivory paper valuable, containing all the tables of Leonardo and the transcripts of the texts.

After having already seen and commented with a few sheets of the first two volumes I try to give you an overview of the third volume. Compared to the first volume , which was quite explained, and the second volume, which contained a lot of notes, the third volume is half way: it is characterized by detailed drawings so as in thick records.

The first half of the third volume (up to the sheet 182) is richly illustrated with studies of war machines: crossbows, guns, catapults, winches to lift the soldiers up to great heights, armored ships, etc..
This first part is so full of drawings of the poor records. The concentration
This section of studies and designs and expert suggests that military Pompeo Leoni, who gathered the notes of the da Vinci Code in the Atlantic, has followed a logical "theme" during the consolidation of the paper: in fact, to our knowledge, Leoni once came into possession of the sheets from the heirs of Leonardo Melzi decided comporrli in several volumes, mostly by entering the Atlantic to the mechanical drawings of dialing the number without any logic, even using scissors to bring within the book pages. A scientific method so far.

Since mid-volume (specifically, the sheet 183), however, designs, always present, leave also a place rich annotations. These notes deal with various topics: notes on motion, percussion, power, notes on themes for future works, arithmetic and geometric studies, notes on urban problems and on the Milan law. Many of these notes onotrano sketches and small drawings.
Beyond the issues, which are very different (even within the same sheet), this section is all to read and understand: the translators are not always able to fully understand what the teacher meant by a few notes just mentioned confused or scribbled in a corner among other notes and drawings. And 'maybe this is what fascinates Leonardo's notes: I am un enigma che va spesso interpretato e contestualizzato. Le traduzioni degli appunti aiutano tantissimo in questa operazione, fornendo spiegazioni e chiavi interpretative utili a capire meglio gli appunti del da Vinci.

Visto che ne avevamo parlato (su segnalazione di Salvatore) nel post relativo al secondo volume, segnalo che sul foglio 183 r poco sopra il margine inferiore si puo' notare uno schizzo del ponte salvatico . Il ponte salvatico è un ponte di salvataggio concepito per permettere l’attraversamento rapido di piccoli corsi d’acqua da parte di un esercito in fuga.

Concludo con la segnalazione di un altra invenzione di cui avevamo gia avuto modo di parlare (su segnalazione di Alberto): to 158 r sheet is the illustration of 'tinderbox automatic.

Finally sengnalo a link for those who wish more information about the publication on newsstands.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Location Of Pcv Valve For 2002 Isuzu Rodeo

Svelato il capolavoro nascosto di Leonardo da Vinci

on web TV of the Province of Florence (Florence TV) for the first time will be visible to all the a movie full of Leonardo Da Vinci masterpiece hidden for centuries behind a Vasari fresco in the Hall of Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio: the Battle of Anghiari .
The masterpiece was discovered in June 2005 after 30 years of studies to identify what is considered one of the finest examples of Italian Renaissance.
In the video, which premiered a few days ago in Palazzo Medici Riccardi, you can see the details of the painting that for centuries have been buried under the monochrome painting that covers them.
The pictures show scenes of battles, the rebuilding of the temple and even an elephant. The engineer Maurizio Seracini, through the use of sophisticated equipment, was able to show that the currently visible monochrome painting was not done by Leonardo da Vinci. The video shows the Florentine engineer the work of the Magi sull'Adorazione commenting on the results of diagnostic tests performed by his team dell'Editech, Diagnostic Center for Cultural Heritage. The famous painting by Leonardo has always been a source of mystery, has also been recorded by Dan Brown's controversial bestseller "The Da Vinci Code," Seracini engineer is the only real person living mentioned in the book.

For further details on the contents of the picture I refer to this link: Province of Florence.

Maurizio Seracini, an engineer specializing in diagnostic of cultural goods. Born in Florence, has a degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, San Diego and Electronic Engineering at the University of Padua. From 1997 he directed the Editech, the first Diagnostic Center for Cultural born in Italy. He has examined many paintings and drawings by Leonardo, the last of which was the Adoration of the Magi in the Uffizi. For this work is cited in the book by Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

1975 John Deere Snowmobile

Che voci avevano Leonardo e la Gioconda?

A Japanese laboratory has recreated the voice of Leonardo da Vinci and the Mona Lisa , the most famous person of the Renaissance artist, using software that the police usually used to reconstruct the voice of suspects starting from their identikit.

If you want to hear the voice of Mona Lisa and Leonardo da Vinci's creator go here

The scientist leading the research group of Japan Acoustic Lab, Matsum Suzuki two years ago according to some online sources, would have also created Bowlingual, the pioneer of automatic language of dogs (also won the Ig award for "promoting the harmony between the species") for a known Japanese brand toys.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Induction Top Silicone Mat

Il secondo volume del Codice Atlantico

As I promised here is the "review" the second volume of the Atlantic Codex on sale with the Republic and the Sole 24 Ore.
I do not pretend to create a professional review: My intent is to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat, broadly speaking, the volume is to stimulate the debate on the blog.

Andiamo con ordine. L' illustrazione in copertina è (chiaramente cambiata rispetto allo scorsa settimana: il macchinario rappresentato è decisamente più complesso di quello precedente, il che promette gia contenuti extra.

Anche i contenuti sono variati rispetto al volume della scorsa settimana: le immagini presentano illustrazioni più ricche di particolari e con una maggiore quantità di note leonardesche. Per questo motivo in questo secondo volume assumono maggior importanza le trascrizioni delle note (e le relative spiegazioni). Queste sono infatti un elemento cruciale per comprendere appieno le varie tavole.
La numerazione dei fogli prosegue chiaramente da quella dello scorso volume cosentendo to maintain order and logic between the planks.

I would like to say a few words on transcripts of the notes, which I put a picture on the right to give a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow they arise. The thing I really liked is that at the start of transcription and the number of the paper is put the image on the page, which helps to identify them visually, making the consultation more dynamic. Usually
transcription distinguishes RECTO (the front page) from TO (back), highlighting and explaining the drawings and notations (indicating the position on the page). This helps greatly the consultation of the various sheets. For the most accurate and relevant are also included arithmetic calculations, made more understandable than the original notes on the paper.
Sometimes in the transcripts are also reported strange notes, like a shopping list , and explanations to the strange doodles. I must say since everything is explained in detail!

For now I think these few lines give a very simplified idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the second volume offers. To go deeper into the contents, I call to report sheets and equipment (or notations) that have most affected to discuss it together.

Finally, for those who are in their first this approach with publication of the Atlantic Codex, I note the link of the Sole 24 Ore, where you can find more information about:

Monday, May 22, 2006

Canon Film Scannershigh Quality $500

Incassi da record per "Il Codice Da Vinci"

The negative reviews have not stopped the public: 'The Da Vinci Code 'has grossed 224 million dollars worldwide (including $ 77 million in America) in its first weekend in theaters.

The film based on the bestselling novel by Dan Brown has set a world record by grossing $ 147 million in the opening in movie theaters not exceeding U.S. $ 145 million collected last year by the third episode of 'Star Wars'.

also built in America, where religious groups had set up protest prayers outside some of the rooms where he screened the film, has exceeded the forecasts of the experts estimated that between 50 and 70 million dollars revenue potential of the first weekend of the controversial film that opened Cannes Film Festival. The

not generally enthusiastic reviews received by the film did not deter the many fans of the book (which has sold over 40 million copies worldwide) who have flocked to the cinema to see firsthand the film rispodenza of the famous story told by Brown ( which suggests that Jesus married Mary Magdalene had a daughter).

The 77 million U.S. box office from 'The Da Vinci Code' not amount to a record because the film was released only three days (Friday to Sunday). In 2002 'Spider-Man' had grossed $ 115 million (still a record), but coming out in theaters on Wednesday, two days longer then the projections. The record of global collections (America and the rest of the planet) is still, for the weekend debut of the latest 'Star Wars' that confiscated $ 253 million.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Can You Die From A Sebaceous Cyst

Ultimi giorni per ammirare il Codice Trivulziano

Last day to admire the Code Trivulziano, the precious booklet notes by Leonardo Da Vinci on display until May 21 in the Sala delle Asse in the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. The Code of Leonardo manuscript dated to the fifteenth century, is preserved in the Library Trivulziana of Milan and, together with the code stored in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana Atlantic, is one of only two Leonardo 'still present in the city that was home to Leonardo for over twenty years of his life.

The exhibition is housed in the Sala delle Asse, containing frescoes of Leonardo himself, recreating a charming and fascinating, where you breathe the sacred atmosphere of the great Florentine master. The exhibition, even if limited to one room, can range from the work of Leonardo's paintings to the more purely scientific.

Trivulziano Code, which contains notes and drawings by the great artist at least between 1487 and 1490, is being done here under a new philological analysis. This time in particular we study its characteristics in relation to the literary and lexical lists eight thousand words in it, learned valuable testimony on the lexicon of the time.
addition to the lexical lists, the pages of the Code contain special notes and drawings including studies of rare cartoons, sketches for the Milan Cathedral, art studies and military strategy, notes and notes of curiosity and to witness the exceptional ' immense genius of the greatest masters of all time.

not know about you but I was reminded what to do on Saturday afternoon ...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wax Strips For Genitals

Ho acquistato in edicola il primo volume del Codice Atlantico ... un'opera da non perdere!!!

This morning I purchased, along with the Sole 24 Ore, the first volume the "Atlantic Codex" , the most extensive and amazing collection of writings and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, on sale since May 18 with the Republic and the Sole 24 Ore .
The book covers the entire intellectual life of the artist, for a period of over forty years, from 1478 to 1519. In it are the contributions of the Tuscan genius devoted to mechanics, mathematics, astronomy, botany, geography, anatomy and physics: the first studies for the redevelopment of Milan, late draft of a new building Doctors in Florence, drawings and sketches for works of art, such as the Adoration of the Magi, Leda, the Battle of Anghiari, and even the design of robots.

I quote directly to the description on the second page of the book:
This edition of The Atlantic Codex of Leonardo da Vinci is reprinting the first edition facsimile reproductions of historic completed in the early seventies by Giunti Editore, which in addition forty years of reconstruction of Corpus Vinci has made accessible the largest collection of documents. Details
reproduction techniques of the original documents are returned in perfect replicas drawings and manuscripts - now only reduced in size - which s'accompagnano The transcripts and the comments of the table, philological and critical tools necessary for the reader to fully appreciate the genius of Leonardo.

After I took some time to consult widely with me imbalance in some evaluation. I must say that after having browsed a few pages you realize that the volume is really well done: it is good that the inchioistro paper used for printing, binding is also well executed. Entering
in reading and consultation reveals the interesting content of the work, done both images of original pages of the transcript of the notes accompanying the captions: the volume offers the reader the fact drawings, notes Leonardo and comments to the various boards by Augusto Marinoni.

The book, which is in encyclopedic format (65 cm x 44), is divided into three sections reasoned. After an interesting historical presentation of the volume (which tells how it was recovered by Canova in early 800 and reported in Italy) are presented the first 72 boards of the Code. Page images orgininali allow you to appreciate every table and read the notes.

The transcripts of the original notes are then reported in a later section allowing easy consultgazioni notes of the Master. This section also contains notes about the editor in the restoration and conservation of manostritto the original pages. The volume concludes with a summary of the material finally treated her in volumje (a kind of logical index) that allows you to "navigate easily within the volume.

To close the article I want to give you some more details about the publication on newsstands. The full Code is published in 20 volumes (from May to September) and will be priced at € 14.90 vedita in output, plus the cost of the newspaper. For more info I suggest you check this link:

Baby Shower Books Instead Of Cards Verse

Arriva nelle sale "Il Codice Da Vinci" ...

After powering the theological debates and controversies among the world tomorrow (May 19) will be released in the eagerly awaited cinematographic film "The Da Vinci Code."

Filmed in Paris and London with a budget of $ 125 million on "The Da Vinci Code" is the latest creation of director Ron Howard.
The film offers a rich cast of international stars. Tom Hanks, is the scholar of American symbology Robert Langdon. Audrey Tatou, the young star of "Amelie", plays the police officer an expert in cryptography, Sophie Neveu. Jean Reno plays the role of the rude inspector Bezu Fache, Paul Bettany as disturbing is the Monaco of Opus Dei, Silas. McKellen plays the role of the elderly English professor Leigh Teabing, Alfred Molina is the bishop of Opus Of Aringarosa.

The epic, which follows closely the plot from the novel by Dan Brown, opened this year's Cannes Film Festival. But despite the hype and the mystique that has surrounded the film close to the projection, "The Da Vinci Code" was accepted rather coldly by critics present at the French festival.

However, before drawing hasty conclusions must await the test of box office, which could also reverse the impression given by films on the Croisette. It happens often, that the public's tastes do not coincide with the impressions given by film critics.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Why Do Green Beans Spark In The Microwave

Febbre leonardesca

surely due to the film and the book, the "fashion" but cultural fever: the supermarket, but do not tell you which is a big and important Italian chain, I see a totem pole full of books publisher Joints: Leonardo painter, scientist, engineer, lives, works ... nice!

Friday, May 12, 2006

European Basketball Live Stream

Il 19 maggio, per chiarire, non ci perdiamo il Codice Atlantico

Since someone asked about the lights buzz, and since everyone is talking about the film's release on the Da Vinci Code, I must point out that on May 19 not to be missed is also the first volume of the Atlantic Codex, at a decent price and valuable edition. To find out what it is in two words, before posting in-depth analysis of the case, I quote from the site of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana, "The Atlantic Codex, the most extensive and amazing collection of writings and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, fu allestito nel tardo Cinquecento dallo scultore Pompeo Leoni (m. 1610). Egli acquistò queste carte dalla famiglia lombarda dei Melzi, i quali, indifferenti alla preziosità dei materiali di Leonardo, li dispersero tra affaristi e raccoglitori casuali.
Il Codice Atlantico abbraccia dunque l'intera vita intellettuale dell'artista, per un periodo di oltre quarant’anni, dal 1478 al 1519.
In esso si trovano i contributi di questo homo sanza lettere dedicati alla meccanica, alla matematica, all’astronomia, alla botanica, alla geografia, alla anatomia e alla fisica: i primi studi per il rinnovamento urbanistico di Milano, il tardo progetto di un nuovo palazzo Medici a Firenze, schizzi e bozzetti per opere artistiche, such as the Adoration of the Magi, Leda, the Battle of Anghiari, and even the design of robots. "We did not lose and we'll talk for sure. back.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dog Has Dry Throat For Dry Heat

Non si parla d'altro e allora...

And then I point out a matter of" News "on release of the film The Da Vinci Code on May 19. Retained by the beautiful blog Opus Dei calls for an introduction to the film where you say that this that it is in the film is the result of complete fantasy, the director responds spades ... Of course it is interesting to see what moves the fame of Leonardo, because in all this hubbub of Leonardo and his work is perhaps a bit about 'little.
thank all because they allow us to come back to, perhaps, the work of an artist and scientist ever to explore.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

In Twilight Does Emmett Wear And Wedding Ring

Cominciano Comments not "scientific" Some of my explorations

Well, I start to see some comments to come out to my passion for Leonardo's scientific, no one can resist the idea of \u200b\u200btalking about the wave of recent discussions on the Leonardo Da Vinci Code (book, film), and the mysteries controversy on many of these days, in spite of the philosophers and men of culture. " Never mind, it is interesting ...

For example, I was thinking that all the operations of the church on the discussion of The Da Vinci Code can tickle the palates, why react like a fanciful (because it spreads like wildfire and many are gullible or because there is some truth), because when you go to touch the religion is all I'm out ... and then, that Leonardo has to do with everything I'm ...?
Stand up friends, this is a way to talk about Leonardo ...

Monday, May 8, 2006

Look Up What Ds I Have

youth ...

... the world of Leonardo back to my memory, when I opened a test booklet of photographs taken for my first digital SLR camera (unfortunately still a long time of digital, the years go by ...).
There are multiple examples of "operational" by Leonardo in the field of hydraulics, so there are many canals and mills that hark back to his speech, and just one of these I want to show a photograph of a po' di anni fa, fatta in terra di Lomellina dove son nato, e dove noi tutti "quasi bambini" dicevamo con rispetto e sognanti: "i mulini di Leonardo...". Mi ha fatto piacere trovare poi citate le "attività di bonifica in Lomellina" da un maestro del pensiero scientifico come Geymonat. Ecco qui l'immagine.

Pink Tinged Cervical Mucus

Leonardo to "meditate" on science

Tutti ricorrono alla figura di Leonardo per discutere o chiacchierare sulle meraviglie, e sulle curiosità, del genio...
Mosso da rinnovato interesse sono andato di nuovo a vedermi cosa dicono gli scienziati, meglio ancora i filosofi, dati i miei trascorsi accademici, di questa figura che tutti ritengono quanto meno "intrigante". Ebbene, in questo uomo si recognized everywhere one of the leading figures of culture that marked the birth and subsequent growth of modern science, the one that applies the mathematical method to test the hypothesis and the "certain" of the arguments, and even more that have introduced legendary shadow of the "technical" as absolute master of the modern age.
Experimentation, analysis, working hypotheses, field verification, translation "mechanics" of the theory developed ... therefore, mechanical, hydraulic, ballistic, everything in the wake of the "mathematics".
still read in my hand "art and science are both based on the two pillars of any true knowledge of nature: the experience of the senses and math [...] ...quella necessità che ne determina [della natura] l'ordine misurabile e si esprime nel rapporto causale tra i fenomeni [...] ...quella proporzione che non si trova solo nei numeri e nelle misure, ma anche nei suoni, nei pesi, nei tempi, negli spazi... [...] fu appunto l'identificazione della natura con la necessità matematica che condusse Leonardo a fondare la meccanica e a metterne in luce per primo i principi [...] la mole immensa dei suoi manoscritti contiene una somma di intuizioni felici, di scoperte, di accenni precorritori nei campi più disparati della scienza" (Abbagnano, Storia della filosofia , La filosofia del rinascimento, sotto "Le origini della Scienza").
Ancora presi dai misteri popolari or taken by an incredible edge instead of thought of which we have many traces in the manuscripts?

Friday, May 5, 2006

Slow Breathing Clipart

For starters, a really interesting site

we're on the Internet, approfittiamone! You have to go see the site Leonardo3, a web media company really good. A godsend for those who like Leonardo and is crazy about his research and his genius.
projects, exhibitions, images to no end. Certainly makes everything taste good, it is a pleasure to see such important initiatives valued. Do not miss the parties on current exhibitions.
to go see it click on the title of this post or here:

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Pub Golf Fancy Dress Outfits

After all the discussions about Leonardo ...

... I'd like to create a place to talk freely of the wonders that Leonardo was able to imagine or create (and draw). The codes are interesting, even with all the implications of "mysterious" that we want, but it is perhaps true that the great mystery is how it was possible that an intelligence has gone so far as Leonardo did in his time? Think of a tank in the fifteenth century! But the time went to the contrary in this genius?!