Ultimi giorni per ammirare il Codice Trivulziano
Last day to admire the Code Trivulziano, the precious booklet notes by Leonardo Da Vinci on display until May 21 in the Sala delle Asse in the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. The Code of Leonardo manuscript dated to the fifteenth century, is preserved in the Library Trivulziana of Milan and, together with the code stored in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana Atlantic, is one of only two Leonardo 'still present in the city that was home to Leonardo for over twenty years of his life.
The exhibition is housed in the Sala delle Asse, containing frescoes of Leonardo himself, recreating a charming and fascinating, where you breathe the sacred atmosphere of the great Florentine master. The exhibition, even if limited to one room, can range from the work of Leonardo's paintings to the more purely scientific.
Trivulziano Code, which contains notes and drawings by the great artist at least between 1487 and 1490, is being done here under a new philological analysis. This time in particular we study its characteristics in relation to the literary and lexical lists eight thousand words in it, learned valuable testimony on the lexicon of the time.
addition to the lexical lists, the pages of the Code contain special notes and drawings including studies of rare cartoons, sketches for the Milan Cathedral, art studies and military strategy, notes and notes of curiosity and to witness the exceptional ' immense genius of the greatest masters of all time.
not know about you but I was reminded what to do on Saturday afternoon ...
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