Thursday, May 18, 2006

Baby Shower Books Instead Of Cards Verse

Arriva nelle sale "Il Codice Da Vinci" ...

After powering the theological debates and controversies among the world tomorrow (May 19) will be released in the eagerly awaited cinematographic film "The Da Vinci Code."

Filmed in Paris and London with a budget of $ 125 million on "The Da Vinci Code" is the latest creation of director Ron Howard.
The film offers a rich cast of international stars. Tom Hanks, is the scholar of American symbology Robert Langdon. Audrey Tatou, the young star of "Amelie", plays the police officer an expert in cryptography, Sophie Neveu. Jean Reno plays the role of the rude inspector Bezu Fache, Paul Bettany as disturbing is the Monaco of Opus Dei, Silas. McKellen plays the role of the elderly English professor Leigh Teabing, Alfred Molina is the bishop of Opus Of Aringarosa.

The epic, which follows closely the plot from the novel by Dan Brown, opened this year's Cannes Film Festival. But despite the hype and the mystique that has surrounded the film close to the projection, "The Da Vinci Code" was accepted rather coldly by critics present at the French festival.

However, before drawing hasty conclusions must await the test of box office, which could also reverse the impression given by films on the Croisette. It happens often, that the public's tastes do not coincide with the impressions given by film critics.


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