Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wax Strips For Genitals

Ho acquistato in edicola il primo volume del Codice Atlantico ... un'opera da non perdere!!!

This morning I purchased, along with the Sole 24 Ore, the first volume the "Atlantic Codex" , the most extensive and amazing collection of writings and drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, on sale since May 18 with the Republic and the Sole 24 Ore .
The book covers the entire intellectual life of the artist, for a period of over forty years, from 1478 to 1519. In it are the contributions of the Tuscan genius devoted to mechanics, mathematics, astronomy, botany, geography, anatomy and physics: the first studies for the redevelopment of Milan, late draft of a new building Doctors in Florence, drawings and sketches for works of art, such as the Adoration of the Magi, Leda, the Battle of Anghiari, and even the design of robots.

I quote directly to the description on the second page of the book:
This edition of The Atlantic Codex of Leonardo da Vinci is reprinting the first edition facsimile reproductions of historic completed in the early seventies by Giunti Editore, which in addition forty years of reconstruction of Corpus Vinci has made accessible the largest collection of documents. Details
reproduction techniques of the original documents are returned in perfect replicas drawings and manuscripts - now only reduced in size - which s'accompagnano The transcripts and the comments of the table, philological and critical tools necessary for the reader to fully appreciate the genius of Leonardo.

After I took some time to consult widely with me imbalance in some evaluation. I must say that after having browsed a few pages you realize that the volume is really well done: it is good that the inchioistro paper used for printing, binding is also well executed. Entering
in reading and consultation reveals the interesting content of the work, done both images of original pages of the transcript of the notes accompanying the captions: the volume offers the reader the fact drawings, notes Leonardo and comments to the various boards by Augusto Marinoni.

The book, which is in encyclopedic format (65 cm x 44), is divided into three sections reasoned. After an interesting historical presentation of the volume (which tells how it was recovered by Canova in early 800 and reported in Italy) are presented the first 72 boards of the Code. Page images orgininali allow you to appreciate every table and read the notes.

The transcripts of the original notes are then reported in a later section allowing easy consultgazioni notes of the Master. This section also contains notes about the editor in the restoration and conservation of manostritto the original pages. The volume concludes with a summary of the material finally treated her in volumje (a kind of logical index) that allows you to "navigate easily within the volume.

To close the article I want to give you some more details about the publication on newsstands. The full Code is published in 20 volumes (from May to September) and will be priced at € 14.90 vedita in output, plus the cost of the newspaper. For more info I suggest you check this link:


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